Terre Pruitt's Index for the Nia Technique Book This is an index with the subsections noted under the correct section and indexed
13 Joint Exercise 11-12 13 White Belt Principles 24-25 16 Benefits of Nia 26 Awareness 304-305 Body Awareness82 Chakras 51-52, 54-55 Dancing Through Life 293-398 Discovering Your Energy Type 87-95 Emotions and the three Body Weights 49-50 Five Basic Principles of the Body's Way 31-33 Glossary of Terms 311-315 Life As Art 302-303 List of the 52 Nia Moves 98-99 Living meditation 299-301 Mobility and Stability 77-81 Moving with Nia 105-107 Natural Time 75-76 Nia Fundamentals 16-19 Body to Heal 18 Conscious Movement 17 Full Fitness 17 Joy Of Movement secret to Fitness 16-19 Least Resistance 18-19 Use Body As Designed 17-18 Nia Tips for Beginners 104-105 Pleasure Journal Questions 86-87 Positive Tension 34 Self-Healing 305-308 Sensory IQ 84 Seven Cycle Examples 173-259, 263-291 Cool Down - Cycle 5 227-233 FloorPlay - Cycle 6 235-255 Get Moving - Cycle 4 195-225 Setting Focus and Intent - Cycle 1 171-174, 263-291 Stepping In - Cycle 2 175-177 Stepping Out - Cycle 7 257-259 Warm Up - Cycle 3 179-193 The Base - feet and legs 34-42 The Body's Way 64-68 The Core: pelvis, chest, and head 42-47, 49-57 Chest - Nia and the Chest 45-46 Head - Nia and the Head 46-47 Pelvis - Nia and the Pelvis 43-45 Spine - Nia and the Spine 47, 49 The Five Sensations 102-104 The Five Stages of "Self Healing" 69-70, 305-308 The Moves 108-165 The Base (Moves) 108-130 The Core (Moves) 135-141 Kicks (Moves) 131-134 The Upper Extremities (Moves) 142-165 The Nia Workout (Classic vs. Athletic) 168-169 The Nia Workout Format (List of 7 Cycles) 170-171 The Nia Workout Menu (Focuses) 263-291 Principle 1 - The Joy of Movement 264-265 Principle 2 - Natural Time and The Movement Forms 265-266 Aikido (Martial Arts) 269-270 Alexander Technique (Healing Arts) 275-276 Duncan Dance (Dance Arts) 272-273 Jazz Dance (Dance Arts) 270-271 Modern Dance (Dance Arts) 271-272 Tae Kwon Do (Martial Arts) 268-269 T'ai Chi (Martial Arts) 266-267 Teachings of Moshe Feldenkrais (Healing Arts) 274-275 Yoga (Healing Arts) 276-277 Principle 3 - Music and the 8BC System 277-279 Principle 4 - FreeDance 279-280 Principle 5 - Awareness and Dancing Through Life 280-281 Principle 6 - The Base - Feet and Legs 281-282 Principle 7 - The Three Planes and Three Levels 283-284 Principle 8 - The Core - Pelvis, Chest, and Head 284-285 Principle 9 - The Upper Extremities - Arms, Hands and Fingers 285-286 Principle 10 - X-Ray Anatomy 286-288 Principle 11 - Fitness is the Business of the Body 288-289 Principle 12 - Continuing Your Body-Mind-Spirit Education 289-290 Principle 13 - Dance What You Sense 290-291 The Upper Extremities: arms, hands, and fingers 57-62, 64 Arm and Hand Movement 61-62 Nia and the Arms, Hands, and Fingers 58-60 Nia and the Shoulder Girdle 60 Rhomboid Muscles 60-61 Three Stages of A Nia Practice 100-101 Traditional Exercise Vs. Nia 19 Voice of the Base 39-42 the feet 39-40 the knee 41 the lower leg 40 the thigh 42 Voice of the Core 55-57 the Chest 56 the Head 56 the Pelvis 55 the Spine 57-58 Voice of the Upper Extremities 62, 64 the Arms and Hands 62 the Shoulder Girdle 62 Witness 75 X-Ray Anatomy 73-74