Nia Practice
On the surface Nia is a full body workout that is done to music in bare feet.* Anyone participating in the Nia workout can elect to stay there--keeping it on the surface as the great workout that it is. Or they can go deeper and make it a practice.
A comparison can be made to yoga. People go to yoga classes all the time and get a great workout. Some people leave it right at that. Some people take it further and delve into the meditative parts of yoga and/or take some of the philosophies of yoga out into their daily lives. They make yoga a practice. That is somewhat the same with Nia. During a workout you can elect to embrace the principles of the Nia White Belt. You can choose to engage in the workout entirely with your body, allowing your body to move you. When you are able to release your body and let it move freely as it was made to there is a clearing of the mind, spirit, and emotions and get an entire PERSON workout.
Move with joy. Move for joy. Move to joy.
Nia Is A Journey
I think of my Nia practice as a journey that can be described in many ways because it is different for everyone, as I said, on the surface it is a work out, but when you apply the technique and the principles it becomes much more. It is different for everyone yet it is universally uniting. I truly believe that when you move your body as it was made to be moved you just FEEL better. When you feel better you add positive energies to the world.
For some, Nia might not effect a change in your life after the first class, but if you give it a chance it will do wonders.
In addition to going deeper into your Nia workout during a Nia class there is also training you can participant in. If you are interested in taking Nia training Nia has different levels of training that are called belts. Training can be for personal growth or on the path of professional growth.
*There is also the Nia 5 Stages that is done in bare feet, but not to music. It is not an aerobic workout, but an exercise and a practice.